Click on the "Pie" icon under Analyze column. The next screen that you land on will give you a quick peek of the completion over 6 consecutive frequencies for all the stores that are part of coverage. If its a daily process, then it will show 6 days, if weekly, then weeks and vice versa.
The first row of this screen, houses all the filters and export options. Leveraging the "funnel" icon you can filter the data based on "Location" & "Resources". Location will show the data for all the countries/cities and resources will show the data for all the custom made clusters.
The icon next to funnel option allows you to see the summarized data for all the coverages individually, over 6 frequencies on one screen.
Further to its right is an icon that allows you to see the consolidated data for all coverages over 6 frequencies.
Further right, is a store filter option that will help you see all the submissions/records for a particular coverage during a set time period. Once you click on this store filter option, the next window will let you select a store and set a time period for which you want to see the submissions.
The 2nd row on the report screen, showcases the name of the process creator, coverage, frequency and objective of the process. Additionally, it also gives you information about the number of submissions made during the below set 6 frequencies along with the most recent date when the process was last updated.
The third row, along with highlighting the name of the process report, also has a "Search" & "Pending Actions Summary" (If a process has levels enabled and there are any non actioned requests pending on certain users they show up here) options. With the help of search option you can further slice and dice the data based on various filters. On this screen, you can analyze the data based on "Report Date", "Response to Questions", "Submission Date", "Stores", "Submitted By" and "Columns". Once you choose the required filter you will need to hit "Apply Filter" to generate the report on the screen. As soon as the report is generated, you will also have an option to sort the data based on various data parameters and moreover, you can also save the filter using "Save this filter"; so that in future if you need to analyze the data in the similar manner instead of creating a new a filter you can use the existing filters to analyze the data.
The 4th row, gives you a calendar option using which you can go back and forth on the set process frequencies to see the summarized tabled data over 6 occurrences. Right next to the calendar are the 6 frequencies that once clicked on, take you to the records screen - wherein you see all the submissions made against all entities for a particular frequency.
Once you click on any frequency in row 4, the system will redirect you to records screen. On this screen all the options in row 1 (add-on attachments option),2 & 3 remain the same as screen 1. However, in row 4 and 5; you will see "Store Name", Record ID, Record Date and all the questions and responses related to the process against which data has been registered by all entities.
Under "Record Details" column, you will see two options, "Click to edit record"(if you are a process owner or administrator) & "Click to view details". Former will allow you to edit the report of all submissions (responses & attachments) and latter will help you further deep dive into individual submissions.
Using the "Click to view details" option, as soon as you land on the final screen, along with having an addition of two options in row one (Edit report & Resubmit - former allows you to edit the submission in the report and latter allows you to resubmit the same report post modification), you will also see addition of a few more fields like Reference ID, Filled By (gives you the information about name, date, time and the device of user), Report By and Report On in row 2. Additionally, the tabular section below row 3 will showcase the entire data related to the particular submission of this entity. Furthermore, using the filters in row 3 you can filter the data based on "Filled & All Questions".
Lastly, incase of any non compliance, to put the right measures in place, from this screen you can use the "New Task" option below "Follow Up Task" column to create a follow up task against every non complaint parameter.
On the first screen post clicking on "Analyze", row 5 will give you the completion percentage of the process over all the 6 highlighted frequencies. Completion figures show the fill percentage of all entities over a particular periodicity. Additionally, if you click on the completion percentage figures, you will land on a window which showcases the data of both "Completed" and "Not-Completed" entities. Furthermore, if there are multiple people assigned against one entity; this window will not only show you which entity the submission was made against but it will also give you the name of the person who filled the process against a particular entity for a specific frequency. Moreover, if need be, this data can also be extracted in the form a excel file by using the excel extract option stationed at the top right corner of this window.
On Wooqer, for a data collection process you can track compliance based on "Cut-off" & "Geolocation". This data can be seen and further analyzed using row no 6 and 7; however, it will be available only if these functionalities have been enabled on the process while creating the process. Just like how Completion row gives you the "Completed" & "Not-Completed" data of all entities associated with the process, in a similar manner "Cut-off" & "Geolocation" options will allow you to see the "Compliant" & "Non-Compliant" entity data (as per Cut-off & Geolocation).
Just below row 7, you will find the count of submissions in a tabular format, against each entity for a particular periodicity. If you click on any number, the system will redirect you to the respective records screen (of this entity); from where you can further deep dive into the individual records.
If there are any attachments or comments associated with various questions in a process, you can see all the attachments below the questions section and comments on the final reports screen, by hovering on the cloud icon, wherever it is visible in the "Response" column.