Create Modules

Assign and Share Modules

This is the pace where you will assign and share the module with users.


Step 1 The next step towards effective functioning of a Module is selecting your audience for assignment and sharing. Assignment means that the users will be able to see the module content on the Home screen or inside Know icon on mobile app and can consume the same, whereas sharing will allow users to see the report for their respective submissions. This can be achieved using a few filters like All, Store, City, Role, User and Resource. To assign & share you will have to click on the “Person icon” which is on the module listing screen, stationed just below “Search filed” under Assign/Share column.
Step 2 Leveraging the above filters, you can assign and share the module to the all the users in one go with the “All” filter enabled. Similarly, you can use “Store, City and Role” filters to assign to all users belonging to a particular Store, City or a Role. To assign the module to the users individually, you need to use the “User” filter. The next thing that you need to do after hitting the filter is to search through the users name under “User” column or use the “Search” field to search for the user in question. Then from the “Actions” column, click on “Assign” icon to assign the module to the users. Finally, if you have already created a resource or group of people/teams and you want to assign the module to them; you can use the “Resource” filter to search for such groups and assign it to such groups instantly.
Step 3 You can also invite other users as guests to view progress reports on your modules for a selected set of assigned users. To do so, click on number under “Share for” column to select users for whom reports are to be shared for. You can always withdraw the sharing privileges. On the same window you also have an option to Auto-Share the reports by using “Auto-Share” icon. Once you click on this icon, the first option will allow you to “Share the module reports for all users with themselves” and the second option will allow you to “Share the reports with different level(s) of managers of all assignees. Using the latter option you can configure the levels as per your requirement.
Step 4 If at any point in time the need for unassigment arises, you can do so by clicking on Assignees count under “Details” column. From this window using various filters like All, Store, City, Role, User and Resource; select the user/user groups and click unassign against the user/user group. Affected users shall not be notified and user reports shall stay stored for future reference.
Step 5 To edit or copy a module; you can click on the respective icons stationed under Actions column on the module listing screen.
Step 6 Furthermore, from the 3 ellipsis drop down option you can “Set Scope”, Conduct a “Handover” and “Delete” the module. Setting a scope will essentially allow you to choose a period for which a particular module is available, you can set configure it for hours and even for days.
Step 7 Finally, once Create, Configure, Assign/Share steps are completed you can click on “Activate” under “State” column, to activate the module. At any point if you want to modify anything in a module, you can only do so by deactivating the module and then click on the “Edit icon” which is stationed next to “Copy” icon – which will only be visible once the module is in inactive state.
Step 8 Alternatively, right at the offset of creating a new Module, you can also use this “Copy” icon to copy an existing module and build on it. Once you click on this icon, you will see an option to choose a different name for the about to be copied module. As soon as you enter the name of the new module you need to click on “Continue”, instantly, the system will copy all the module properties and all the questions related to that chapters if there are any associated with the chapters. To modify certain individual chapter properties you can follow the same steps as discussed above. Please bear in mind though, that whatever changes you make in the existing questions in a chapter, will also reflect in the original module that the respective chapter is part of.